Nairobi, 28th June 2024
Africa Top Level Domains Organization Executive Committee has appointed Mrs Eyitayo Iyortim from Nigeria (.NG) as the Chairperson of the Executive Committee and President of the Organization. She will be deputized by Prof Idrissa Sarr, Vice President, Manager of the .SN ccTLD. Mr Joel Karubiu from Kenya (.KE) continues as the Treasurer. The newly elected Executive Committee members are Mr. Molehe Wesi, Chief Executive Officer .ZA Domain Name Authority (.ZA) and Deo Gratias Tonouhewa Manager JenySAS operator (.BJ). Other members of the Executive Committee include Ms. Grace Ingabire, Chief Executive Officer of Rwanda Information and Communications Technology Alliance (.RW), and Mr. Molupe Molupe, Manager of Lesotho Network Information Centre (.LS)
Nairobi, 28 Juin 2024
Le comité exécutif de l’Organisation des domaines de premier niveau d’Afrique a nommé Mme Eyitayo Iyortim, du Nigeria (.NG), présidente du comité exécutif et présidente de l’organisation. Elle sera secondée par le professeur Idrissa Sarr, vice-président et gestionnaire du ccTLD .SN. M. Joel Karubiu, du Kenya (.Ke), reste trésorier. Les membres du comité exécutif nouvellement élus sont M. Molehe Wesi, directeur général de l’autorité des noms de domaine .ZA, et Deogratias Tonouhewa, directeur de l’opérateur JenySAS (.BJ). Les autres membres du comité exécutif sont Mme Grace Ingabire, directrice générale de l’Alliance rwandaise pour les technologies de l’information et de la communication (.RW), et M. Molupe Molupe, directeur du Centre d’information du réseau du Lesotho (.LS).
AfTLD is recognized as the representative of country code Top Level Domain (ccTLD) managers from Africa. It is an active participant in the ICANN ccNSO, and also actively participates in various Internet governance fora with the African continent and beyond, including the IGF, where it has run a number of workshops. With collaboration in Internet governance and development a cornerstone of the bottom up policy development processes that make the Internet truly a multi-stakeholder phenomenon, AfTLD works in collaboration and partnership with other Regional Top-Level Domain Organizations (RTLDOs), these being APTLD, CENTR and LACTLD.