Africa Internet Summit (AIS) Secretariat announces AfNOG’s program at The
Africa Internet Summit scheduled to be held in Kinshasa, DRC from 31st May
– 12th June 2020.
AIS is the pinnacle multi-stakeholder event combining, workshops,
conferences and networking for the internet Industry. The annual summit
attracts internationally renowned Instructors, Experts and Speakers to
share the latest innovations and Best practices in the Internet industry.
This is the place where the African Technical Institutions and Af* such as
AfrICANN, AfGWG etc meet.
Meeting the needs of the Africa Internet Community:
AIS aims at meeting the ever-changing needs of the ICT Industry and
includes the core IP Engineering as well as integrating the real world use
and impact of IP Technologies. Sessions include technical and business
aspects of the Internet :ie Capacity Building, Infrastructure, Security,
Policy, Content & Names, Internet Numbers and Research.
About the Entire Event :
Event Calendar include the following:
AfNOG Workshop on Network Technology (offering advanced training in a
week-long hands-on workshop)
. Several one /two full-day Advanced AfNOG Tutorials
. AfricaCERT Workshop & Forums
. AFRINIC Trainings
. AfREN Forum
. AfTLD – Workshop & Forum
. ISOC Africa Sessions
. ICANN Africa Day
* AfChixTechWomen Summit
. A one-day AfNOG Plenary Session
. A three-day AFRINIC Plenary Session.
In addition, several side meetings and workshops will be hosted in
collaboration with other organizations.
Who Attends?
A broad range of ICT Industry leaders and technical experts including
Internet Service Providers (ISPs), Network Engineers, CSIRTs Engineers and
Policy makers who wish to acquire the necessary skills in ICT, Government,
Regulators, Telecommunication companies and ICT vendors. It is a good
opportunity for networking among peers and businesses.
Why Attend?
The AIS addresses the current and future needs of operators in the ICT
. It is focused on popular and emerging ICT Industries such as Cyber
Security, Mobile Networking among other.
. It features discussions on a wide range of issues of the Internet
including the current and newest trends in ICT.
. Industry experts will be participating in conference sessions from
thought-provoking and visionary keynote presentations to interactive
panel sessions, all addressing the most pressing topics
Workshop & Tutorials – Event Date(s)
Unix Boot Camp 31 May 2020 (Sunday)
Networking Boot Camp 31 May 2020 (Sunday)
CERT Boot Camp 31 May 2020
AfNOG Workshop 1 – 5 June 2020 (Monday – Friday)
AfricaCERT Workshop 1 – 5 June 2020 (Monday – Friday)
AfTLD – Workshop & Forum TBC
AfCHIX TechWomen Summit 6 June 2020 (Saturday)
AfNOG Tutorials 6 – 8 June 2020 (Sunday – Monday)
Forums & Conference : Event Date(s)
ISOC Africa Sessions TBC
ICANN Africa Day 7 June 2020
Opening Session 8 June 2020 (Monday at 5 pm)
REN Africa Tech Session 8 June 2020
AfREN Meeting TBC
AfNOG-21 Conference 9 June 2020
AFRINIC-31 Conference 10 – 12 June 2020
About AfNOG
AfNOG (See is a forum for cooperation and the
exchange of technical information between operators of Internet-connected
networks in Africa. AfNOG aims at building a community of engineers
helping each other operate Internet Infrastructure in Africa, and on the
Global Internet as well as promote the discussion of issues relating to
implementation of new networks that require community cooperation.
AfNOG has since year 2000 organized their annual Event in a different
African country each year.
“While AfNOG fuels the rapid growth of the Internet in Africa with trained
technical capacity, our content has been determined by the needs of the
community. In so doing AfNOG’s output training capacity has multiplied in
the past decade and the community flourished”
AfNOG Workshop on Network Technology :
The AfNOG Workshop on Network Technology aims to offer advanced training
to people who are in the process of developing and enhancing an
Internet-connected network with regional and international connectivity.
The target audience includes senior and mid-level technical staff of
commercial Internet service providers (ISPs), academic networks,
government networks, or NGO networks.
This workshop builds on the experience of previous AfNOG workshops held
annually from 2000 to 2019 in Twenty African countries, and also the
Internet Society’s INET workshops, held annually from 1993 to 2000 at
eight locations around the world. The workshop’s Instructors are an
international team with many years of experience in operating large
networks and teaching about network operations.
AfNOG 2020 Workshop Tracks
This year’s workshop is divided into Eight parallel Tracks: ( 5 English &
3 French Tracks).
SS-E Scalable Internet Services (in English), focused on the design
and operation of email, web, and other Internet services, in ways that
can scale to handle large numbers of end users.
SS-F – Internet évolutives (enfrancais), similar to track SS-E, but
given in French.
SI-E – Scalable Network Infrastructure (in English), focused on the
design and operation of networks using routers and switches, in ways
that can scale to handle large numbers of interconnected sites.
SI-F, Infrastructure Reseaux IP (enfrancais), similar to track SI-E,
but given in French.
NM – E, Network Monitoring & Management (English)
NM-F, suivi et gestion de réseaux (enfrancais), similar to track NM-E,
but given in French.
AR -E, Advanced Routing Techniques (English)
CT- E, CERT Training (English)
Workshop application information is at :
**Workshop Application Deadline – 15th Jan, 2020
AFRINIC is the Regional Internet Registry for Africa headquartered in
Ebene, Mauritius. It is responsible for the distribution and management of
Internet number resources (IP address space and Autonomous System Numbers)
in Africa and the Indian Ocean region. AFRINIC ensures equitable and
efficient distribution of Internet number resources to the African
Internet community to support Internet governance, technology usage and
development across the continent.
Trainings and capacity building are a central part of AFRINIC’s activities
and the objective is to build competence within Africa in IPv6 adoption as
well as associated technologies required to use internet number resources
effectively. More on AFRINIC can be found at
AfricaCERT will hold a 6 day Workshop & Tutorial on CSIRT Operations from
1 to 5 June 2020 in Kinshasa, DRC. AfricaCERT is the African forum of
computer incident response teams, and aims to propose solutions to
Challenges for a better health in the Af* Internet Ecosystem.
The objectives of AfricaCERT include, but are not restricted to :
Assisting African countries in establishing CSIRTs;
. Strengthening the relationships amongst CSIRTs in Africa and with
other stakeholders all over the World;
. Fostering and supporting education and outreach programs in ICT
. Encouraging information sharing in ICT Security;
. Promoting good practices and experiences sharing among members to
develop a comprehensive framework for cybersecurity including better
addressing of legal and regulatory issues;
. Assisting African CSIRTS in improving Cyber readiness and enhancing
the resilience of ICT Infrastructure;
. Promoting Collaborative Technology Research, Development and
Innovation in the ICT security field.
Please visit for further information.
AfTLD – Train the Trainers Workshop and Annual General Meeting
Africa Top Level Domains Organization (AFTLD) will be conducting a Train
the Trainer Session during AIS 2020.
ICANN Africa
ICANN Africa will be holding ICANN.Day. ICANN DAY is an annual full day
event taking place during the Africa Internet Summit. Participants will
get an update on ICANN’s current area of work, latest discussions on
policy development and update on the implementation of the Africa
Strategy Further information will be provided shortly.
ISOC Africa will be holding Hackathon /sessions on Internet Governance,
etc. Further information will be provided shortly.
AfCHIX will be holding the Fourth AfCHIX Tech Women Summit on 6th June,
2020. Further information will be provided shortly.
AfNOG Tutorials
AfNOG will offer 1 to 2 full-day(s) tutorials on advanced topics.
Tutorials take place in a classroom-style environment, and may include a
hands-on practical component. Tutorials are non-commercial in nature, and
most are technically oriented. They are intended to offer advanced
training on technology already deployed or soon to be deployed on
networking and related services provisioning for ISP operations.
Additional information about AfNOG 2020 Tutorials will be available here
REN Africa
Research and Education Network, Africa will be holding a one day meeting
on 8th June 2019.
The forum is a platform for discussions on issues of interest to the
research and education networking (REN) community such as collaboration,
advocacy and coordination of activities in Africa. Sharing of experience
and best practices as well as presentation of innovative networking
technologies are also regularly addressed.
Additional information on REN Africa 2020 will be provided shortly.
AfNOG – 2020 Conference
The 21st AfNOG Conference will be held in Kinshasa DRC, on 9th June 2020.
AfNOG conferences provide a forum for the coordination and dissemination
of technical information related to backbone/enterprise networking
technologies and operational practices. The conferences are informal, with
an emphasis on relevance to current and future African backbone
engineering practices. The AfNOG 2020 conference in Uganda drew several
delegates, mainly consisting of network engineering staff from lnternet
Service providers, Telecommunication Companies, Government, Research and
Education community, Civil Society. Additional information and the
Conference schedule will be available here shortly:
AFRINIC-32 Public Policy Meeting
The AFRINIC-32 Public Policy meeting will be held in Kinshasa, DRC for
three days from 10th – 12th June, 2020. AFRINIC Meetings are open to
everyone and provide an excellent opportunity to take part in Internet
policy discussions. These policies, which describe how Internet Number
Resources should be managed and distributed, are developed by the
community. The meeting will include tutorials, presentations, update on
the various working groups and the AFRINIC Public Policy Meeting. The
three day meeting will be preceded by various training sessions.
Please join us, once again, as we come together to learn, network and
shape the future of ICT in Africa!!